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- Affection
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Expectancy Violations Theory
Floyd, K., Ramirez, A., & Burgoon, J. K. (2008). In L. K. Guerrero, J. A. DeVito, & M. L. Hecht (Eds.), The nonverbal communication reader: Classic and contemporary readings (3rd ed.), pp. 503-510. Waveland.
Affectionate Behavior in Adult Platonic Friendships: Interpreting and Evaluating Expectancy Violations
Floyd, K., & Voloudakis, M. (1999). Human Communication Research, 25(3), 341-369. https://doi.org/10.1111;j.1468-2958.1999.tb00449.x
Attributions for Expectancy-Violating Changes in Affectionate Behavior in Platonic Friendships
Floyd, K., & Voloudakis, M. (1999). Journal of Psychology, 133(1), 32-48. https://doi.org/10.1080/00223989909599720
Communicating Affection in Dyadic Relationships: An Assessment of Behavior and Expectancies
Floyd, K. (1997). Communication Quarterly, 45(1), 68-80. https://doi.org/10.1080/01463379709370045
Knowing When to Say “I Love You”: An Expectancy Approach to Affectionate Communication
Floyd, K. (1997). Communication Research Reports, 14(3), 321-330. https://doi.org/10.1080/08824099709388675