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Sampling Practices in Communication Studies: A Decade of Research in Four Top Journals
Floyd, K., Woo, N.T., Maré, J., & Duncan, K.L. (2023). Communication and Linguistics Studies, 9(2), 27–41. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.cls.20230902.12
Affectionate Communication Index
Floyd, K., & van Raalte, L. J. (2017). In D. L. Worthington, & G. D. Bodie (Eds.), The sourcebook of listening methodology and measurement (pp. 186-190). Wiley-Blackwell.
Trait Affection Scale
Floyd, K., & Generous, M. A. (2017). In D. L. Worthington, & G. D. Bodie (Eds.), The sourcebook of listening methodology and measurement (pp. 180-185). Wiley-Blackwell.
Taking Stock of Research Practices: A Call for Self-Reflection
Floyd, K. (2014). Communication Monographs, 81(1), 1-3. https://doi.org/10.1080/03637751.2014.892670
Psychophysiological Methods in Family Communication Research
Floyd, K., Hesse, C., & Pauley, P. M. (2013). In A. L. Vangelisti (Ed.), The handbook of family communication (2nd ed., pp. 496-511). Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Endocrinology in Communication Research
Floyd, K. (2011). Communication Research Reports, 28(4), 369-372. https://doi.org/10.1080/08824096.2011.616246
Principles of Endocrine System Measurement in Communication Research
Floyd, K., & Roberts, J. B. (2009). In M. J. Beatty, J. C. McCroskey, & K. Floyd (Eds.), Biological dimensions of communication: Perspectives, methods, and research (pp. 249-264). Hampton Press.
The Affectionate Communication Index
Floyd, K., & Mikkelson, A. C. (2005). In V. Manusov (Ed.), The sourcebook of nonverbal measures: Going beyond words (pp. 47-56). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
An Introduction to the Uses and Potential Uses of Physiological Measurement in the Study of Family Communication
Floyd, K. (2004). Journal of Family Communication, 4(3-4), 295-318. https://doi.org/10.1080/15267431.2004.9670137
The Measurement of Affectionate Communication
Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (1998). Communication Quarterly, 46(2), 144-162. https://doi.org/10.1080/01463379809370092