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Affectionate Communication Moderates the Effect of Adverse Childhood Experience on Mental Well-Being
Floyd, K. (2024). Western Journal of Communication., 88(3), 700–716. https://doi.org/10.1080/10570314.2023.2168505
Affection Deprivation Is More Aversive Than Excessive Affection: A Test of Affection Exchange Theory
Hesse, C., Floyd, K., & Mikkelson, A.C. (2023). Personal Relationships, 30(1), 296–313. https://doi.org/10.1111/pere.12458
Lipidemic Effects of Kissing Are Mediated by Stress: Results From a National Probability Sample
Floyd, K. (2023). Health Communication, 38(10), 2026–2034. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2022.2050007
Affectionate Communication, Health, and Relationships
Floyd, K., Debrot, A., Horan, S.M., Hesse, C., & Woo, N.T. (2023). Personal Relationships, 30(1), 44–75. https://doi.org/10.1111/pere.12444
The Lonely States of America: Prevalence and Demographic Risk Factors for Affection Deprivation among U.S. Adults
Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (2022). Western Journal of Communication.
How Americans Communicate Affection: Findings From a Representative National Sample
Floyd, K., Morman, M. T., Maré, J., & Holmes, E. (2021). Communication Quarterly, 69(4), 383-409. https://doi.org/10.1080/01463373.2021.1951794
Affectionate Communication and Health: A Meta-Analysis
Hesse, C., Floyd, K., Rains, S. R., Mikkelson, A. C., Pauley, P. M., Woo, N. T., Custer, B. E., & Duncan, K. (2021). Communication Monographs, 88(2), 194–218. https://doi.org/10.1080/03637751.2020.1805480
Affection Exchange Theory
Floyd, K., & Custer, B. E. (2020). In J. Nussbaum (Ed.), Oxford research encyclopedia of communication. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.937
Affection Exchange Theory: A Bio-Evolutionary Look at Affectionate Communication
Floyd, K., Hesse, C., & Generous, M. A. (2018). In D. O. Braithwaite, E. A. Suter, & K. Floyd (Eds.), Engaging theories in family communication: Multiple perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 17-26). Routledge.
Affection Exchange Theory: A Bio-Evolutionary Look at Affectionate Communication
Floyd, K., Hesse, C., & Generous, M. A. (2015). In D. O. Braithwaite, & P. Schrodt (Eds.), Engaging theories in interpersonal communication: Multiple perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 303-314). Sage.
Affection Exchange Theory
Floyd, K. (2015). In C. R. Berger, & M. E. Roloff (Eds.), International encyclopedia of interpersonal communication (pp. 1-8). Wiley.
Affection Exchange Theory
Floyd, K., & Generous, M. A. (2014). In T. L. Thompson, & J. G. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of health communication (pp. 47-49). Sage.
Affection Exchange Theory
Floyd, K., Judd, J., & Hesse, C. (2008). In D. O. Braithwaite, & L. A. Baxter (Eds.), Engaging theories in interpersonal communication: Multiple perspectives (pp. 285-294). Sage.
Human Affection Exchange: XIII. Affectionate Communication Accelerates Neuroendocrine Stress Recovery
Floyd, K., Mikkelson, A. C., Tafoya, M. A., Farinelli, L., La Valley, A. G., Judd, J., Haynes, M. T., Davis, K. L., & Wilson, J. (2007). Health Communication, 22(2), 123-132. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410230701454015
Human Affection Exchange: XV. Metabolic and Cardiovascular Correlates of Trait Expressed Affection
Floyd, K., Hesse, C., & Haynes, M.T. (2007). Communication Quarterly, 55(1), 79-94. https://doi.org/10.1080/01463370600998715
Human Affection Exchange: XIV. Relational Affection Predicts Resting Heart Rate and Free Cortisol Secretion During Acute Stress
Floyd, K., Mikkelson, A. C., Tafoya, M. A., Farinelli, L., La Valley, A. G., Judd, J., Davis, K. L., Haynes, M. T., & Wilson, J. (2007). Behavioral Medicine, 32(4), 151-156. https://doi.org/10.3200/BMED.32.4.151-156
Human Affection Exchange: XII. Affectionate Communication Is Associated With Diurnal Variation in Salivary Free Cortisol
Floyd, K. (2006). Western Journal of Communication, 70(1), 47-63. https://doi.org/10.1080/10570310500506649
Human Affection Exchange: VIII. Further Evidence of the Benefits of Expressed Affection
Floyd, K., Hess, J. A., Miczo, L. A., Halone, K. K., Mikkelson, A. C., & Tusing, K. J. (2005). Communication Quarterly, 53(3), 285-303. https://doi.org/10.1080/01463370500101071
Human Affection Exchange: VI. Further Tests of Reproductive Probability as a Predictor of Men’s Affection With Their Fathers and Their Sons
Floyd, K., Sargent, J. E., & Di Corcia, M. (2004). Journal of Social Psychology, 144(2), 191-206. https://doi.org/10.3200.SOCP.144.2.191-206
Human Affection Exchange: VII. Affectionate Communication in the Sibling/Spouse/Sibling-in-Law Triad
Floyd, K., & Morr, M. C. (2003). Communication Quarterly, 51(3), 247-261. https://doi.org/10.1080/01463370309370155